Where data is the king
In today's rapidly changing world, have you wondered how important it is to preserve every bit of data? The more reliable data you have today, determines where you stand in future. In the world of AI and Machine Learning more well fed bots, become better future predictors and stay ahead in the game.
Below are some of the various facets on why data is crucial in days to come :
Below are some of the various facets on why data is crucial in days to come :
- Business Growth - Businesses flourish when they get insight into customer satisfaction data and come up with better marketing strategies which enables them to create better products analyzing the demand.
- Engaged Employees - An organization that takes frequent employee engagement surveys can better predict how happy their employees are, or can take appropriate actions in case of dissatisfied employees before employee attrition happens on a large scale. These companies are often rated high in terms of employee satisfaction.
- Accurate Speech Prediction - More accurate speech or text prediction needs more accurate data. Tech giants who were once leaders in Speech to Text Recognition have lost their place to Google due to the lack of data.
- Advanced Countries - Countries that have better and more accurate data emerge more successful than other countries and are also prepared to handle crisis situations much better. The effective use of data analysis during the Covid-19 pandemic has enabled administrators governing states / countries to perform better with the help of data that helped in contact tracing, isolation and forecasting the rate of infections. APIS for retrieving Covid-19 data for India was statistically more than 80% in demand among the developers community across the world compared to all other countries. This resulted in more accurate covid-19 data availability for India which in turn helped the medical community and administrators to take more informed decisions to prevent the spread of the disease.
- Climate Predictions - For many decades, scientists have been collecting data on climate using cores from ice, trees, and coral, as well as carbon dating. From this research they have discovered details about past human activity, temperature changes in our oceans, periods of extreme drought, climate predictions and much more. As more data points are collected, they increase the accuracy of existing climate models. These predictions and results can also suggest how to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, and they help decision-makers to prioritize environmental issues based on scientific evidence.
- Help Farmers - A prediction of the magnitude of the monsoon may help farmers who can be better prepared.
These insights on the relevance of data and its future scope leads us to the question on how secure is the data we store both personally as well as professionally? Can you save your data from a virus attack, or even if there is a hard disk crash, or if the laptop / external hard disk is stolen?
In a world where data is the king, you cannot afford to loose it. Zermelo Technologies presents a way for you to tackle such unexpected situation with India's best online (on cloud) backup and restore solution - ZUBRS. Zermelo Universal Backup and Restore Solution (ZUBRS) provides end to end, fully automated online backup and Restoration of data / computers used for your business or personal purpose. ZUBRS provides you a way to backup all the files in your office / personal computers to a cloud space and restore them back in case of an unexpected event like hard disk crash or accidental deletion of files in the computer. Click here to know more https://zubrs.com
As Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, once said: “The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” It is imperative that we recognize the importance of data-driven results and are prepared with the most accurate data and preserve it, as they influence how businesses, communities and policy-makers act and plan for a better tomorrow.
As Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, once said: “The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” It is imperative that we recognize the importance of data-driven results and are prepared with the most accurate data and preserve it, as they influence how businesses, communities and policy-makers act and plan for a better tomorrow.
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